Fan art: Bruce Banner - HULK
"Caught in the blast of gamma radiation, brilliant scientist Bruce Banner is cursed to transform in times of stress into the living engine of destruction known as
Just a small intro:
We all know HULK, he is big, powerful, green and very angry, but what about Bruce Banner?
"Banner is considered one of the greatest scientific minds on Earth, possessing "a mind so brilliant it cannot be measured on any known intelligence test."[68] He holds expertise in biology, chemistry, engineering, physiology, and nuclear physics. Using this knowledge, Banner creates advanced technology dubbed "Bannertech", which is on par with technological development from Tony Stark or Doctor Doom. Some of these technologies include a force field that can protect him from the attacks of Hulk-level entities, and a teleporter."
Fan art:
So here is the process of the tee that I've done:
1. Painting in Photoshop
2. Testing if I go with 1, 2 or 3 colors (this is important because it doubles the price of print)
3. Preparing the photolith (I've decided 2 colors but I want the fist to be a bit smaller so you can see a separation between colors). Size DIN-A4.
4. The screen. As this is a test to know if the design is good enought to make a production, I use a small screen with both images in it, it means that between black and green I'll have to clean the screen and prepare it to print again. If the test is OK and I decide to produce it I'll be using 2 screens, one for each color.
5. Some tests on paper
7. Here some pictures of the final piece. And of course, my dearest friend Carmen volunteered to be the HULKA! Thank you Carmen!!
I like the design, and the tee. So I'm thinking on making this pale green tee for women and girls and white for men and boys. Soon in my ETSY shop!
Moltes gràcies a l'Escola d'Art de Manresa, tot aquest procés està fet al Taller Monogràfic de Serigrafia. A que us vénen ganes de venir??? Doncs encara hi ha places!