Watercolor - Aquarelle

After dealing with gouache I thought that the different techniques that we are learning and improving had to be more difficult, and it's not that they are super easy, but I'm really enjoying our watercolor sessions. 

Well, I tell you a secret, I think that maybe I could work better with gouache if it was a bit cheaper. The fact that each color costs about 5 $ makes that I'm too careful and I'm not testing or improvising too much. The mixtures are difficult to make and if you take a lot of color and then you have to throw it away that hurts... Yes, that is maybe a silly point but at the moment unfortunately it's important. 

And after gouache came watercolor. You just need regular water and watercolor (I've paid for 15 colors about 20 $), and I don't use a lot of color. It's also a difficult technique but as I can do as many tests as I want, without feeling so bad about the costs, I feel I can improve faster. 

We have to do scientific painting. We have to imagine that we are explorers and we find a new animal or plant species and draw it in our journal... Here is my evolution from the first to the last work till now:

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